Animated Swinging Skull -->

Saturday 20 October 2012

++ Looking Into Me ++

Hi there, and welcome to my little cove of horrors. My name's Loh Shan Min, but I'm mostly known as Sam. Most people think of me as "that emo kid". I kinda think it's cool the way I am.

Bit of alright, innit? Now we got weselves settled nice and cozy, let's begin.

My forte and biggest interest of all is drawing. I've started to self-learn since I was twelve. As of today, I still take a lot of inspiration from Japanese anime and manga. Drawing was a major confidence boost in my unsocial life. Basically, it is my life. Most of my art are influenced by gothic, punk rock and Victorian era cultures as well and can be seen here

I also enjoy writing, whether it is simple poetry, song lyrics or short stories. There are dozens of ideas for stories of all genres crammed into my thick skull. My inspirations come from manga, games and a good deal of novels which I have read.

Other than that, I play a lot of video games, both on the PC and PlayStation2. It was an addiction that I blame on the classical SNES games I played when I was a kid. In the 90's, games were not yet social norms and gamers were considered geeky, but it was the beginning of the era. Unlike the modern games that focus on eye-watering graphics and a million controls, games back then were made for one purpose: fun. And fun they were. 

Music has played a major part of my life as well. I listen mostly to Japanese heavy metal. My favourite bands are DELUHI and D'EspairsRay, both five-man bands with talented hunks and known for their unique style, and both broke my heart when they disbanded within months of each other last year. Lately I've taken quite a shine to Marilyn Manson, an American shock-rock whacko.

If all men above thirty still look like this...

Favourite band of all time!

A man with fifty shades of awesome.

Other interests I have are baseball, camping, singing and watching dramas. I love rabbits, things with intrinsic details on them, horror games and movies, deep discussions about theories and facts, stars, hoodies and the colour red. I hate worms. HATE.

Dreams and Aspirations
The usual ones of being a rockstar or fashion designer or interior designer or famous artist/author. An achievable benchmark would be publishing a short story or novel or comic in the next few years (hopefully). I've already had some things in the workings before this, and currently I'm focusing on designing some hoodies and T-shirts for my club and class. I aspire to be a hybrid of Stephen King, J.R. Tolkien and John Grisham, writing fantasy stories with a touch of humour and darkness. I also aspire to inspire people. I would like to live in Japan, too.

I came from
Johor Bharu, but I moved to Kuala Lumpur at the age of two. Typical city kid.

My childhood was
Unremarkable. I was an obedient, dreamy, imaginative child who played with carton boxes and Barbies. I was and still am very close to my younger brother and sister. I was quiet in general, but turned into a demon when I was playing with close friends. My childhood revolved around my father's parents' house in SS2, where I lived for ten years, and my mother's side of the family tree in Kuantan. 

Family conditions
My family consists of my stubborn parents and a younger sister and brother. My father is a strict, intelligent civil engineer with a short temper and a sense of humour. He used to be an artist and inspired me to draw as well as instilled the bookworm in me. My mother is a simple accounting manager who takes pleasure in planting and shopping and throwing out things that seem useful to everyone but herself. My brother is a grade 8 pianist and guitar player. My sister is an imprint of me but is better at handicraft than drawing. I love them to itsy bits.

Top 3 experiences that made a lasting impression on me
1.    The first time I discovered I could draw. I drew a ninja on a piece of paper in tuition class to humour a friend. I was surprised that it looked decent, because I never learned the basics of drawing. It was the beginning of my interest in art.

2. Meeting a group of four guys in my Form 4 class. I loved how they were a tight-packed group but accepted me into their "brotherhood" and never gave me special treatment. We were great bros. They showed me that I can be whoever I want without caring what society or my family would think, and from then on I broadened my social circles. Subsequently I became close to more guys than girls and became a bit of a tomboy :P

3. Going to Jogjakarta and Shanghai on holiday with my family. Jogjakarta had a mysterious, ancient feel to it whereas Shanghai was crowded and had an upbeat city vibe. The contrast between these two places opened my eyes to what the rest of the world could be like. 

10 Several most important given circumstances

*I'm going to pretend that I know what this means*
1. Malaysia : Being born in this country makes me a more cultural-diverse person. It also makes me see that "democracy" can be only an external shell. People with enough power can get away with bribery and dumb things.
2. My friends: I don't have too many of them, so every one is dear to me.
3. My family: Of course, who would I be without them?
4. Having artistic genes from my dad
5. Being brave enough to be a little different from the norm
6. I'ld really like to have been born during the Victorian era. Or in Japan.
7. Having the luck of meeting my best friend, who keeps me sane

And I don't even know anymore x_x

I'm sorry all this is that long. That is me :)

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